Thursday, November 30, 2023

La Difalia (8-8)


Se presenta paciente masculino de 20 años de edad, el cual vive en unión libre, de medio socioeconómico bajo, de antecedente heredofamiliares con hermano portador de enfermedad congénita cardiaca no especificada, sin antecedentes personales no patológicos, antecedente quirúrgico de orquidopexia izquierda a sus 4 años de edad, su inicio de la vida sexual fue a los 18 años y refirió tener contacto sexual con ambos penes.

Aquí ambos penes se observan en semierección, previa estimulación, con buen desarrollo de ambos y sin alteraciones aparentes.

Tratamiento: se realizó falectomía de pene superior, dejando un pene estética y funcionalmente adecuado

Fotografía durante el transquirúrgico al momento de realizar la falectomía del pene superior.

Fotografía en la cual se observa pene inferior en posición normal, ya circuncidado y con remodelación escrotal.

Ocho meses después de la cirugía, preservando la función eréctil y adecuada continencia.


Monday, November 20, 2023



I have always been a great admirer of the female singers who have accompanied me on my journey from adolescence to adulthood and I believe I am not mistaken in proclaiming these four women as true TREASURES OF HUMANITY.


I often listen to this song whenever I regret or recall past regrets. And this music relieves my regret and guilt, and it feels like this song tell me like "it's okay, it's the past" and puts on my shoulder. And this music is telling me to cheer up in frustration.


Garland taking ":What Now My Love?" to a place no other singer could come close to, from the depths of her soul giving the performance of a lifetime to a clearly enraptured audience.



On Sunday the 13th of March 2022, Dame Shirley opened the BAFTA awards with a spine-tingling rendition of one of her most beloved Bond songs, Diamonds Are Forever. At 85 years young, she proved that she HAS STILL GOT IT! (no auto tune, no back up singers) She demonstrated such amazing control over her voice and showed that she still has her upper register intact! This performance is truly such a treat. Dame Shirley - what an incredible rendition, the vocals are just as good as they were 50 years ago. You are a true treasure.



MINA, is confirmed as the most talented performer of light Italian music of the last 50 years in Italy, and can afford to select unconditionally at her 83 years old, the pieces to be recorded, not caring much about the tastes and limits imposed by powerful record companies; only adults know and can.

in my opinion, the world will never more get another Italian singer like Mina. She'll remain forever the greatest. nobody can compare with her.

We are before one of those occasions in which extraordinary voices coincide with beautiful lyrics masterfully interpreted music and four of the most awesome performances ever. ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECES !!

Saturday, October 21, 2023


Here are 10 of the more fascinating things you’ll learn from “DoubleDickDude” about life with two penises.

1. High school was, uh, hard?

When asked if there ever was a time when he wished he had but one penis, DoubleDickDude replied “high school.” And when a Reddit user tried to cheer him up by saying, “But you were the baddest motherfucker in the locker room, right?” he said, “When it first got out, yeah. But then it became a joke and guys immediately thought i was gay, because . . . you know I guess I chose to have two cocks.”

2. He’s happy now happy with his anatomy

Has he ever considered having one of his penises removed? “In my mid teens, yeah, ” he said. “Now, hell no.”

3. Most of the women and men he’s been with enjoy the extra penis

“I’ve been in a serious relationship with a girl and a guy for a while now,” he said. “I call it monogamous because we are exclusive. She enjoys it. The three girls before her enjoyed it. It’s sort of made a few run screaming in the past. Usually the ones I get to know well before we date are cool with it. I don’t talk about it otherwise. Like, if I’m not going to have sex with you, you won’t know I’ve got two dicks. LOL”

4. Yes, he has inserted both into “the same hole”

Asking what it’s like to have both in the same orifice, he answered, “Snug? 😉 It’s nice. I like hearing the moaning from the person I’m squeezed inside of.” Regarding one particular woman, he said, “She complained later, though, that her cervix was poking out and that her hole was huge. She kept coming back for more at least for three months. LOL”

5. He avoids public restrooms

“If I do use [a public restroom], I try to use the stall and not a wall urinal,” he said. “There’ve been times where I’ve had to use the urinal and because I have one muscle that controls my piss, it lets the stream flow out both my dicks. So unless I pinch off one of them it comes out both and that doesn’t feel good. So I have to take both out to pee. Yeah I’ve gotten stares and even had a few guys at various times go, holy shit.”

6. Both penises pee at the same time . . .

“It’s not tricky,” he said. “I’ve pee’d from both all my life. ;)”

7. . . . But they usually get erect at different times

“It always starts that way,” he said. “The left one starts to get semi first, then stops at a certain point. Right one then gets rock hard, and if I’m horny enough the left one will continue to stiffen up and get bigger. Once or twice, with a cock ring on, they’ve both been equally rock hard.”

8. They both “cum” at the same time, though not at the same speed

“If you’re working on the left one you have to suck it out,” he said. “The right one launches every time. ;)”

9. Not all of his sexual partners believe both penises are real

“[The reaction] varies from girl to girl,” he said. “Some have been like, wow. Some have been like, that’s fake! Some have freaked out like, called me names. Most are pretty curious, but i dont have casual sex anymore. . . [In the past] girls were nervous and some changed their mind at the last minute. Dudes never change their mind; they always want it even if they’re freaked out a little. LOL”

10. Yes, he does have a favorite penis

“The right one,” he said. “The left one has a grudge against me for it too. LOL”


Sunday, June 2, 2019

Thursday, October 19, 2017